This is 10 ISBNs which will be under the imprint name Independent Cloud Publishing.
- This will allow you to publish on both KDP and IngramSpark (or wherever else you want to publish)
- You'll be independent from these platforms
- Even if you're only publishing on one right now, you can always change your mind later and add or switch to another platform
YOU retain the rights to your book. The ONLY thing I am providing is the ISBN and the barcode for you.
When you get a free ISBN from Amazon it shows up as "Independently published"
When you get a free ISBN from IngramSpark it shows up as "IndyPub"
With my ISBN, it will show up as "Independent Cloud Publishing".
- Your ISBN number
- Your barcode as an image that you can place on your book cover
- A PDF stating that your book belongs to YOU and you retain the rights to your book
- I will want to look over the PDF of your book just to make sure it doesn't contain anything hateful or offensive. You can send me a very low res version of it or even just a few screenshots so I can just get a gist of the content.
- Book title
- Book subtitle (if you have one)
- Names of any contributers (illustrator if different from author, editor if you have one, etc)
- Description / summary / etc of book (up to 350 words)
- Hardcover or Paperback
- Genre (children's books will be Children's Fiction)
- Author name
- Author bio (up to 350 words)
- Publication date - personally I usually set this at my book upload date + like 3 days (to give time for the KDP or IngramSpark review). It is a loose date though. I have put publish dates in and then the book doesn't actually go live until a week later and it's fine, it doesn't seem to affect anything.
- Target audience:
- Juvenile Audience (Children's Book)
- Trade (if it's an adult novel)
- Book price, if you want it specified. (I leave mine blank in case I change my mind later, but if you know for sure what you want your book to always be priced at, you can include this info)
At this time I am not providing this service for books made with AI art. It is something that I am personally not in support of. If you purchase this listing but your book has AI art, I will refund your money and I won't provide an ISBN. Thank you for understanding!
I also will have the option to reject your book if it includes anything hateful or offensive. In that case, I will refund your money and won't provide an ISBN.